Shifting Food Systems
Shifting Food Systems
Complex social challenges, like shifting global food systems, demand innovative solutions beyond the reach of any single organization. Collaboration is the key to meaningful progress and achieving collaboration between diverse stakeholders and impacted communities requires shared understanding and trust.
Since 2017 Synergos has convened and engaged a collaborative community of global leaders from the philanthropic, community, business and government sectors around the topic of how to Shift Food Systems. Synergos also works on the ground transforming agriculture systems to improve the lives of smallholder farmers in Nigeria and Ethiopia.
In 2024 Synergos launched, in partnership with TPC, Stone Barns and A Growing Culture, the Peer Learning & Collective Action Project on Shifting Food Systems, which is expected to catalyze systemic shifts and create new insights and actions that will increase the scale, sustainability and impact of smallholder farming. A committed group of funders and practitioners will be taken through a facilitated Bridging Leadership process that is proven to create significant and lasting change.
Steering Committee
The group is governed by a Steering Committee which informs its strategic direction and vision.
For more information contact Melissa Durda, Senior Director, Bridging Leadership at mdurda@synergos.org.