Video: Strengthening Social Connectedness in South Africa

Safe space playground for children in Soweto township, Johannesburg, South Africa, set up by NACCW.

Synergos is working with national and regional organizations in Southern Africa that provide services for children and youth through our Social Connectedness program. Why is social connectedness so important? In all stages of life, people need meaningful bonds and relationships with others. This is a deeply human need. Social connectedness also gives people access to the opportunities, services, and resources they may need to overcome poverty and live more fulfilling lives.

We are deepening understanding of indigenous approaches to overcoming the severe isolation that children living in poverty frequently encounter, helping our partners incorporate practices to build social connectedness into their own work, and influencing public policy. 

Synergos’ Social Connectedness Program in Southern Africa was established in partnership with and with support from the Samuel Family Foundation.It is part of an emerging movement for social connectedness begun by Kim Samuel and led by the Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness, bringing together a growing, committed community of practice and networks of individuals and organizations around the world.

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