Gulal and flowers for Holi festival celebration

Unlocking India’s Philanthropy: The Time Is Now

GPC Gathering in Mumbai & Bengaluru
January 15 - January 20, 2024


India has come a long way, witnessing extreme changes and undergoing phenomenal transformation.

There is palpable excitement in the Indian philanthropy space as new, enthusiastic and imaginative leaders are emerging and new platforms are being created to support and encourage collaborative action.

Join Peggy Dulany, leading philanthropists and experts to explore what the future holds for Indian philanthropy. Participants will have the opportunity to meet with local philanthropists to learn more about their vision, strategies and achievements. We will celebrate, question and encourage philanthropy in all its forms and explore how we can design a caring society that can regenerate our bruised planet for future generations.

GPC Member registration requires being logged into the Synergos Network Platform. Contact Sabrina Kesler at if you need to activate your account. Participation in this event is limited to members of the Synergos Global Philanthropists Circle and invited guests.


January 15, Mumbai

  • Participant Arrivals & Hotel Check In
  • Drinks & Canapes, an informal networking option for participants to kick off our first night in Mumbai. 

January 16, Mumbai

  • Breakfast 
  • Opening Remarks: the Synergos team will welcome the participants and set the scene for the first part of the GPC Gathering in Mumbai.
  • Unlocking India’s Philanthropy: in this keynote, we will explore the emerging trends of Indian philanthropy; the mindset and values required to accelerate inclusive and sustainable growth; as well as the potential challenges lying ahead.
  • Bridging Leadership - Inner Work for Social Change: at Synergos, we believe that inner work lies at the heart of Bridging Leadership - the capacity and will to build trust and bring together diverse stakeholders to work in concert for the common good. In this interactive session, we will explore the key qualities of bridging leaders and the various practices that enable us to deepen our social impact.
  • A Systems Approach to Mental Health: in this panel discussion, we will turn the spotlight on organisations and philanthropists who put forward models of care that are holistic, contextual and inclusive.
  • Lunch & Networking
  • Rest & Reflect OR Cultural Visit to the Mahakali Caves: participants will have the option to either rest/reflect or explore the archaeological site of Mahakali Caves. The Mahakali caves are a group of 19 rock-cut monuments. They have existed since the ancient Ashoka Empire, used by Buddhist monks as dwellings and meditation chambers as much as 2,000 years ago.
  • Drinks & Dinner, hosted by the Piramal Family

January 17, Mumbai

  • Breakfast 
  • Community Immersion: participants will have the opportunity to interact with and learn from community leaders working on health and education initiatives.
  • Lunch
  • Drinks Reception & Dinner

January 18, Mumbai & Bengaluru

  • Breakfast
  • Aligning Family Legacy and Innovative Approaches for Greater Impact: family philanthropy can sometimes be challenging, as each generation is drawn to different causes and has different ideas on how to deploy wealth to support those causes. Our guest speakers will share how they create a true alignment of views and values across generations to propel their philanthropic work.
  • Closing Circle: a valuable practice, led by the Synergos team, that will offer participants the opportunity to reflect on their experience, foster self-awareness and build community.
  • Onward Journey to Bengaluru: participants will depart Mumbai and travel to Bengaluru.
  • Drinks Reception & Dinner

January 19, Bengaluru

  • Breakfast 
  • Opening Remarks: the Synergos team will welcome the participants and set the scene for the second part of the GPC Gathering in Bengaluru.
  • Insight Talks - New voices, New Visions: during these insight talks, Next Gen philanthropists will share with us how they are re-imagining giving and their vision for the future.
  • Philanthropy for Climate Justice: even as India sets its sight on reaching net-zero emissions by 2070, it faces a number of pressing challenges. Our guest speakers will explore how philanthropy can positively influence the climate evolution through collective action.
  • Visit to the Museum of Art & Photography (MAP)
  • Re-imagining India’s Cultural Landscape: we will be joined by Indian philanthropist Abhishek Poddar, who will share his journey and vision for democratising art. The discussion will be facilitated by Synergos Senior Fellow Ingrid Srinath.
  • Lunch at Museum’s Terrace Restaurant
  • Guided Tour of Museum of Art and Photography (MAP): participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the country’s rich cultural heritage through a guided tour of the museum.
  • Drinks Reception & Dinner, hosted by the Shibulal Family

January 20, Bengaluru

  • Breakfast
  • Closing Circle: a valuable practice, led by the Synergos team, that will offer participants the opportunity to reflect on their experience, foster self-awareness and build community.
  • Close of Gathering


Registration Fees

*International participant fee includes program, accommodation, meals, city transportation and internal flight. Please note: Regional participant fee does not include accommodation. 

Module 1: Mumbai + Bengaluru
GPC Members (International): US$2500  / GPC Members (Regional): US$1500

Module 2: Mumbai only
GPC Members (International): US$1500  /  GPC Member (Regional): US$900

Module 3: Bengaluru only
GPC Members (International): US$1000  /  GPC Members (Regional): US$600

Registration excludes travel visas, travel insurance and any international flights. Individual participants will be responsible for arranging these logistics on their own.

Please note that the cost of each module reflects your participation in the entire module. Pricing can not be divided should you arrive/depart at times alternate to the planned program.

Register by December 1, 2023. Guests may join this retreat by invite only. For program questions or guest pricing, please contact Theodora Kalessi,